My recommendations for all the best bakeware and tools for your keto low carb kitchen.
A few months ago, a friend texted me to ask if I had a mini-muffin pan she could use for her son’s birthday. I laughed and texted back “Of course! I have every baking pan known to man!”.
This isn’t strictly true, of course. I am sure there is some bakeware out there that I don’t own. But I do own a lot of it. As in several-cupboards-and-a-large-shelving-unit-in-my-basement-are-full-of-baking-pans.
Because let’s face it, new bakeware is a bit of always a thrill. The majority of it is priced under twenty dollars, even the good non-stick stuff. And buying a new pan in a fun new shape makes your old recipes seem exciting again. Yep, it’s the little things in life.
Good bakeware is worth the money
When it comes to keto baking, the tools you use to bake with are almost as important as your ingredients. You don’t necessarily need the top-of-the-line equipment, but you do need to have some basics. Putting a little thought into what you use can help save time, effort, and the heartache of a baking failure.
Spending a little money now on good non-stick, non-toxic pans is absolutely worth it. Why? Because durable quality bakeware will last well, and you will actually save money in the long rung.
I always recommend USA Pan as the BEST non-stick metal cookware. I have so many of their pans and every time I need to replace an older piece, I buy a USA Pan version.
I’ve had my 9-inch square pan from them over almost 8 years and it’s still going strong. And I bake a lot so that tells you something!
Rather than purchasing a cheapie pan from the dollar store, which will likely end up getting tossed within a year, consider getting good quality bakeware that will last many years.
The best basic baking pans
Round 8-inch or 9-inch cake pans: You need these, preferably 2 of them if you want to make keto layer cakes.
8 x 8 inch square pan:. For keto brownies and bars. They also make great square cakes.
Loaf pan: It’s hard to bake low carb bread if you don’t have a loaf pan. They come in slightly different sizes.
Standard muffin pan: Even as non-stick as these are, I always line them with parchment paper or silicone muffin liners for easy removal.
Rimmed baking sheets: I have a number of sheet pans and cookie sheets, some with the higher sides and some without. The rimmed sheets are the most versatile as they can be used for cookies and for keto sheet cake.
Springform pan: Cheesecake is the ultimate low carb treat. You need a springform pan so you can make a nice big one and release it easily. I love this one from Kaiser because it has a glass bottom, which makes it look great for serving.
The best specialty baking pans
Donut pan: You can’t make donuts without a donut pan! I went through a serious of not-so-great ones until I bit the bullet and purchased the USA pan version. The only downside is that it only has 6 wells and many of my keto donut recipes make 8 to 12!
Bundt pan: Cakes made in a bundt pan just look more elegant. I have several bundt pans, one from William Sonoma that cost more than it should and has funky sharp high peaks. But I recently bought this traditional shaped Cuisinart one and I love it too. The more rounded shape means it’s easier to grease and the glaze settles more evenly.
Tart pan with removable bottom. If you’re going to make lovely large tarts with fluted edges, you need one of these. The removable bottom is brilliant and you don’t risk breaking your lovely crust as you would with stationary tart and pie pans. I also have a set of 6 small tartlet pans with removable bottoms that I love.
Mini cheesecake pans. Perfect for all sorts of mini keto cake recipes. My keto desserts for two are some of my most well-loved and these pans are great for cheesecakes and regular cakes.
Other essential baking equipment
Silicone muffin liners: These are the best for keeping fragile keto muffins and cupcakes intact. They are also great for making keto peanut butter cups and fat bombs. I have both the standard and the mini size.
Parchment Paper. Parchment paper is a low carb baker’s best friend so you should always have some on hand. Low carb, gluten-free baked goods don’t hold together as easily as conventional treats, so parchment allows for quick release from cake pans. It also allows you to roll out low carb cookie and pastry dough without having it stick to your roller!
Parchment paper liners. The next best thing to silicone!
Offset Spatulas. Offset spatulas come in many sizes, but I find this little guy from Ateco the most useful. I use it to spread the tops of my batter in pans, to spread frosting and to get under rolled-out cookies or pastry to gently lift it from the parchment.
Silicone baking mats. These mats are as useful as parchment paper when baking low carb cookies and I use mine often. I only have one…I really need a few more!
That’s it! This is the bakeware that I have and love and that I would highly recommend to other people. I have a few other specialty pans like an ice-cream sandwich pan and a square individual brownie pan, and even a star-shaped whoopie pie pan. Most of these have been given to me and I don’t use them with any sort of frequency. But they are rather fun!
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Please note that I am not a medical or nutritional professional. I am simply recounting and sharing my own experiences on this blog. Nothing I express here should be taken as medical advice and you should consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. I provide nutritional information for my recipes simply as a courtesy to my readers. It is calculated using MacGourmet software and I remove erythritol from the final carb count and net carb count, as it does not affect my own blood glucose levels. I do my best to be as accurate as possible but you should independently calculate nutritional information on your own before relying on them. I expressly disclaim any and all liability of any kind with respect to any act or omission wholly or in part in reliance on anything contained in this website.
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that donut pan looks like it could become a real favorite 😉
I just moved into a new apartment and am woefully understocked on baking supplies… this would be such a blessing!
And my favorite baking pan is the donut pan 🙂
muffin pans
Being able to use the donut pant would be awesome!
Sweet Giveaway! I’d love to get my hands on that donut pan!
My favorite one is my cookie sheets.
My favorite pan is a square 9inch one. It is perfect for everything from brownies to potatoes!
My favorite pan in my arsenal is my mini-muffin pan.
I’ve always wanted a doughnut pan!!
Mini muffin pan!
Hard to choose, but I guess by Bundt pan since I can have a fancier cake since I don’t decorate we’ll.
I use my baking sheets the most
I love the idea of muffin top pans. And now that I know about the mini cheesecake pans, I know what to put on my Christmas list…
I love to bake and would love to try the muffin top pan!!
I love my muffin pan. My 4yr old and I use it all the time.
Oooo…a muffin top pan!
Love my cookie sheets..
I love my muffin tin.
I just ordered my mom one of the donut pans for Christmas! I looooove the idea of the muffin top pan!
8×8 if my fave – but I want a donut pan