Low carb grain-free red velvet cake in donut (and cupcakes!) form. With a delicious sugar-free cream cheese frosting.

Low carb Red Velvet Donuts

 As someone who grew up outside of the United States, there are certain things that to me seem quintessentially, and quaintly, American. High school marching bands come to mind, I suppose because it’s fall and I’ve seen the tryouts taking place at the local high school. We had school bands in Canada, but I don’t know of any that marched while they played. Tailgating is another of these things, particularly the huge tailgating parties organized for college sports. Canadian schools simply don’t pay enough attention to their sports teams to warrant this sort of intense devotion, and our university football “stadiums” are little more than fields surrounded by a few bleachers. And red velvet cake. The first time I ever heard of such a thing was in that classic American movie, Steel Magnolias. And the first time I tasted it was, well, never. Until now.

But those of you who know their red velvet cake are probably wondering at the rather lurid pinky-red colour of my red velvet cakes and donuts. Ah, well, there is a funny, and somewhat embarrassing, story to go along with that. See, this recipe was requested by a reader, Carla, when I opened the floor for requests. I saw her comment and thought to myself that it would be an easy one. I thought I knew what I was doing. It’s a classic case of baking hubris, I believe. I knew that my cake batter recipe from the Lemon Cream Cake would be perfect for modifying into red velvet. And I knew that it took cream cheese frosting, which I have perfected over the past year. And I thought I would get all fancy and inventive, and put some of the batter in my donut pan for fun. No problem, easy peasy.

I didn’t even really look at any conventional red velvet recipes, since I was so very certain I knew what I was doing. I made up my batter and added my red food colouring, and even then, it didn’t really occur to me that anything was wrong. It literally wasn’t until I was taking the cakes out of the oven that I thought “Gee, these are a really ugly colour”. And then it hit me that maybe, just maybe, red velvet was supposed to take some cocoa powder to give it a much deeper, darker red. I quickly ran to my computer and looked up a few red velvet recipes and yup, cocoa powder is a key ingredient. I looked at my pinky-red cupcakes and donuts in dismay. They were perfectly good little cakes and I wasn’t about to throw them out, so I decided to go ahead with them as planned and tell my readers the truth…I thought red velvet was simply white cake with food colouring and cream cheese frosting. I thought I knew what I was doing.

Low carb grain-free red velvet donuts and cupcakes recipe

T he Results: I figure you will forgive me, given my foreign upbringing and all. I can’t be blamed for my ignorance! I will say that the cakes were delicious just as they were. This cake recipe is so very, very good and infinitely adaptable and as such, I am very confident that it would be just as good with a few tablespoons of cocoa added into the mix. So, for those of you who really want true red velvet, I am writing up the recipe to include the cocoa. The frosting was spot on, there were no complaints there! My pictures show some of the donuts with sprinkles…that was just to make them fun for the kids.

Since I did some as cupcakes and some as donuts, it’s hard to tell exactly how many these would make. My donut pan doesn’t hold much in each hole, so two donuts would probably be the equivalent of one cupcake. Which would amount to 9 cupcakes or 18 donuts, whichever you want to go with!




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  1. Even if they're not officially Southern, they're beautiful! I've never heard of red velvet donuts, but I like the sound of it.

  2. Your 'pink' velvet story had me smiling, I didn't grow up on red velvet so I wouldn't even know it contained cocoa either if I hadn't looked it up! These look so, so cool.

  3. Paper Plates and China Recipe Blog says:

    Red velvet donuts?? Oh wow! I love red velvet anything…I'm going to have to try these!!

  4. Angie's Recipes says:

    Beautiful cupcakes and I love the idea of red velvet donuts.

  5. Nava Krishnan says:

    fantastic looking cupcakes I will simply die for.

  6. Even without the cocoa powder 😉 ps- thanks for your honesty- it is hard to post that stuff- i have an "oops" post coming soon too 🙂

  7. You surely know how to make delicious sweets Caroline! I can't believe these are g-free and low carb. They look amazing!

  8. Love love love this idea!!!!

  9. Yeah, I think red velvet is definitely more southern than American. I had never actually heard of it until I left Mass. Anyhow, details smeeeetails! These donuts and cupcakes have got my mouth watering! 😀

  10. Chocolate or not, these look great – and a nice change from the traditional cocoa containing versions.

    I didn't even know there were marching bands in US high schools! Wow.

  11. The Mom Chef says:

    Those are a someone unique color, but it's just color, right? And personally, I would prefer it without the cocoa powder. 🙂 I say bravo! I love hearing about what confounds you about the U.S. I guess in some ways I had the same feeling just from moving from the north to the south. We're one weird country.

    Thanks for sharing a fantastic recipe, even if it did bloop a little. If you'd not told us, we'd have never guessed.

  12. This is a great post. I loved the story. True red velvet or not they still look delicious with that frosting!

  13. scratch-made wife says:

    The donuts are such a cute, original idea. I love 'em! Someday soon I really do need to try red velvet. It's embarrassing that I live in the South and still have never had it!

  14. Liz @ Southern Charm says:

    You have me drooling! It sounds and looks amazing!

  15. Eating Deliciously says:

    Your pictures are fantastic!!! Great idea to make donuts too.

  16. Carolyn,
    Your Red Velvet doughnuts/cupcakes are gorgeous. Who would guess that they are low carb/gluten free? I need to revise my Red Velvet cake recipe.

  17. Margaret Murphy Tripp says:

    OMG! I love red velvet and those look fantastic. My Aunt needs GF only, so now I have a treat I can make next time she visits. Thanks! BUZZ!!!!

  18. They look delicious! It is a great idea Carolyn!

    Have a nice weekend 🙂

  19. thesmartcookiecook.com says:

    I've never heard of a red velvet donut, but it sure sounds incredible! Great idea & beautiful photo!

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